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A Model For Scotland brings the message home at FiLiA 2023 in Glasgow

On 15 October 2023, A Model For Scotland held an event, ‘Why Scotland Needs to End Demand for Prostitution’, at FiLiA 2023. FiLiA is Europe's largest annual grassroots feminist conference, which this year took place in Glasgow.

A panel of speakers highlighted why Scotland must urgently shift the burden of criminality off victims of sexual exploitation and on to those who perpetrate and profit from this abuse. Speakers included Mia de Faoite, Survivor-Activist and Training Coordinator at Ruhama, Ruth Maguire MSP, Co-Convener of the Cross-Party Group on Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Tsitsi Matekaire, Global Lead – End Sexual Exploitation at Equality Now and Nina Humphries, Deputy Director at UK Feminista. The event was chaired by Farah Hussain, Director at UK Feminista.

Mia de Faoite, Survivor-Activist and Training Coordinator at Ruhama, provided an inspiring presentation highlighting the collaboration required to combat sexual exploitation and the vital need for services to support women harmed by the sex trade.

Watch the full recording of Tsitsi Matekaire's speech:

Watch the full recording of Ruth Maguire MSP's speech:


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